Sunday, October 4, 2009


Writing is a passion, a calling, an art form, a friend, a meaningful enterprise. It haunts me when inspiration fails to strike. It is both intuitive and learned, with ever more to try or consider or hone. And a thick skin is going to be needed. Paranoia sometimes creeps in on quiet cat paws, because a significant part of any writing is really putting your self out there. These are MY words, arranged in a way logical and perfect to ME. But perhaps not perfect for anyone else.

Writing has rapidly become a good friend. Okay, weird sounding but preferable to an obsession with Facebook, Twitter, or You Tube. One of the great thing about being a writer is that it is both time consuming and brutally honest. See how that would be analogous to a best friend? Feeling guilty when neglecting it too long, vowing each morning to spend time with it in the afternoon, and then even more frustration when the day gets in the way.

I saw a t-shirt yesterday with these words on the front "keep it up and you'll end up in my novel". Thought about buying it, but am not at all certain that a novel awaits . Odd as it sounds the real fun for me can be found in more commercial writing; press releases, radio/TV copy, articles, newsletters, blogging, website copy. Perhaps that's more capitalism than art form but in the eye of this beholder it's all good.

Have a good week friends!


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