Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Some people online are using the month of November to post 30 things they are thankful for.  In my usual fashion I over thought the concept until November 17th and then boldly decided to weigh in with 10 things that I personally am thankful for.  Pretty damn bold, dontcha think?  Kidding, but even 10 days have proven a little more challenging than it sounds.

I have a ton of things that I truly am thankful for but articulation of those things on Facebook and Twitter begs a reaction from others, so I think carefully before I write.  I'm 9 days in, and here is my attitude of gratitude so far:

1. I'm grateful to have a job I love that makes me laugh out loud nearly every day.

2. I'm grateful for Facebook, seriously! Scoff if you must, but FB has spanned the limitations of time, space and age to reconnect with friends lost long ago. I truly enjoy every one of you and am thankful not to have missed this part of the ride. Okay I do enjoy some of you more than others, it is me after all:-)

3. I am thankful that I am the age I am. This feels like the perfect age... I'm old enough for "been there, done that, got the t-shirt" but young enough to have a helluva good time every day! In the words of Johnny Nash, "I can see clearly now" and I'm lovin' what I see.

4. I am thankful for high school football. There's nothing better than sitting in the stands on Fri. night, watching young men hit the gridiron with all of their heart. An all-American lesson in teamwork, leadership and passion. It took six kids but we finally have one who loves it, excels at it and is playing in his first ever championship game tonight. Go Hornets, Go Trev. T-G-I-F-Football

5. 6. & 7: (skipped the weekend!) I'm thankful for 3 amazing children: Hilary, Megan and Trevor. All interesting, beautiful, talented and hugely unique people that I'm very proud of. Each one has made my life much more full. It's not always been easy, but rewarding and joyful nonetheless. To my peeps: Hili, Meg & T - I love you guys

8.  I'm thankful that my life has not turned out like I planned. Often wonderful, occasionally horrendous but never, ever boring. If it had turned out like I planned I would surely be missing a helluva ride!

9.  I am thankful to be younger than Oprah, there I said it!  I don't even like nor watch Oprah and have always found her to be self indulgent.  But for some reason I was honestly just thrilled last week to learn that she is older than I am.  I may win the award for "shallow" today, but a girl has gotta do what a girl has gotta do...

As a personal and self-indulgent aside I'm also thankful to have the time, energy and ostensibly talent to pursue my passion for writing.  This blog, Elance, Technorati: ZRNQWEBMPP7M, the press releases, the ad copy, the first 10,000 words of a novel, the grant writing, the local magazine...writing, writers, the written word is THE BEST.

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