Thursday, March 18, 2010

Little Cake, Little Champagne, Lotta 1800flowers...Flowers are THIS Girl's Best Friend

I wrote last month about an impending birthday, and now it is REALLY four days away. And between the two of us, I am seriously hoping that my peeps have phoned 1800flowers. Having flowers on my desk the week of my birthday makes me feel pretty good about the dreaded birthday - so I've begun my annual dropping of the not-so-subtle hints.

For my bargain loving son, I've left his laptop open to the 1800 flowers discount code. And for my roses aficionado hubby I've emailed him Coupons for 1800flowers with a smiley face.

I know I know - nothing subtle about my approach at all, but a birthday girl's gotta do what a birthday girl's gotta do. Birthday flowers just seem to say, "she may be getting older but she just gets better with every birthday" Am I right or am I right?